Dental Care
At the Animal Health Care Center, complete pet dentals are performed under general anesthesia. Your pet stays with us for the day and goes home in the late afternoon. We do a thorough physical exam prior to sedation. We highly recommend pre-anesthetic blood work to check your pets liver and kidneys before we administer any anesthetics. We also place an intravenous catheter to allow direct access to a vein in case of an anesthetic emergency and deliver fluids that flush out additional anesthetics.
Our dental procedure includes ultrasonic cleaning to remove hard dental tartar and clean under the gum line. We then polish the teeth to remove any grooves created and to reduce the amount of plaque that may stick to them. Teeth extractions are performed at this time if necessary. Then we apply an antibiotic gel to any compromised teeth called Doxirobe gel. Last fluoride is applied to protect the enamel. We now also take digital Dental Radiographs to make sure all teeth are healthy. A dental should really be performed before tartar buildup has reached a large amount and before gingivitis is evident, this may prevent teeth extractions. Come in today for a dental evaluation of your cat or dog.